Sunday, August 2, 2009

back in the US

I'm home!
But first, I went out to a boliiiiiiche one last time, ate at a mozzarella and dulce de leche bar, wandered palermo, saw a planetarium show for kiddies who speak spanish way better than i can, and ate a GIANT choripan for $1usd.
The Buenos Aires airport was so sad; people who worked there refused to speak to me in Spanish (even though by now I can understand Argentine spanish way better than Argentine english!) and they took away my dulce de leche (liquid).
But then, I had eggs, toast, bacon, potoatoes, and fried chicken for breakfast in Houston. It. Was. Amazing.
I already miss EVERYONE. but now I'm home! to my family, summer, hiking, humidity, asian food that doesn't suck, and the beach!